Youtube has been a great help to all of us; having its variety of roles which gives us benefits such as: entertainment, stress reliever, tutorials and many more! Now, we come down to one of the important assets of life: Business.
As we all know, Youtube can be a source of income which before was just made for fun and entertainment. Now, countless Vloggers are being known for their channels and one of them is our focus for this section. The kid who has made Millions of Dollars by making Toy Reviews: Ryan Toys Review.
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Image: Ryan ToysReview |
Ryan was just a fan of Toy Review channels before, but now, he owns his own channel together with his parents which went viral at one time. He, together with his Mom and Dad, started his own channel when he was three. Out of curiosity and fandom towards Toy reviews, he built his own thing.
They started filming on March 2015 where they bought a toy from a store, took it home and then played with it while having the camera rolling and then they posted the video on the internet. As of today, that same video already has over 30 million views. That same year, on July, they posted a video with Disney's Cars theme and it went viral.
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Image: Ryan ToysReview |
The channel gained an immense number of subscribers and is now reaching 11 Million. These subscribers alone, can guarantee them a Million views a month! What more with the other views and advertisements?
Ryan even placed into Forbe's annual list of highest-earning Youtube celebrities.
During their first videos, the only people featured in the video are Ryan and his Dad, leaving Mommy behind the camera. In the year 2016, she finally joins the frame together with two more additional members in their family. They are the twins Emma and Kate.
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Image: Ryan ToysReview |
Later on, they created another channel focusing on their adventures as a family. They named it: Ryan's Family Review. It features the growth of the twins from their first steps along with their first actions. Their fans rejoiced!
Ryan and his family generated around $11 Million pretax, according to elite readers, and this is only for the year 2017 alone.
source: Rachfeed
Terpaksa sy ucapkn dsni bahwa cita-cita saya menjadi TKW yang sukses pulang di kampungku sudah tercapai, alhamdulillah.... awalnya aku ikut-ikutan melihat temanku, ternyata setelah kubuktikan hasilnya memang luar biasa ..!!! terima kasih banyak kpd teman aku yg ada di singapura..! berkat postingan dia di halaman facebook TKI Sukses aku baca. Aku bsa kenal nma nya MBAH SARO PATI Guru spiritual PESUGIHAN dan ANKA GHAIB TOGEL 2D sampai 6D dan PESUGIHAN DANA GHAIB. Tampa tumbal . pikir-pikir kurang lebih 7 tahun kerja jd Tkw di Hong Kong hanya jeritan batin dan tetes air mata ini selalu menharap tp tdk ada hasil sm sekali. Mana lagi dapat majikanku galak, kejam, cerewet, salah sedikit kena marah lagi . Tiap bulan dapat gaji hanya separoh saja . . itu pun tdk cukup biaya anak di kampung. Tp sy beranikan diri tlpon nmr beliau untuk minta bantuan nya. melalui PESUGIHAN DANA GHAIB Nya . syukur Alhamdulillah benar2 terbukti sekarang. terima kasih ya allah atas semua rejeki mu ini. Aku sudah bs pulang ke kmpung halaman buka usha skrg. jk tman minat ingin tlpn beliau . ini nmr nya +62 823-9943-8557 & 082-399-438-557 siapa tau anda bisa di bantu dan cocok sprti aku . aminn