Marrying an Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW) is a hard option. If you plan to marry one of them someday, you should have to endure your longing for him and be both a great mother and father to your would-be children.
In this article, we will talk about the advantages of marrying an OFW since there are still positive sides why to marry them. It doesn’t speak about practicality but it just merely the reality.

OFWs Make More Money
The very reason why an OFW works is that of money. If we to compare dollars to our money in the Philippines, it is really away bigger. Of course, as a spouse of an OFW, if you are only clever in managing the money your wife or husband sending you from abroad, it could be a good investment for your future business.
Your goal is easily achieved
If your goal is to have a permanent residence and big house, a luxury car and a business to handle, there may come through with the help of your OFW partner, including your goal for your children to finish their degree.
Opportunity to travel
Since OFWs stay longer in abroad and went home in the Philippines once in a blue moon, there are moments that he/she go on a vacation with his/her family. This will be now your chance as a husband or wife to go travel to places you never been before or wants to visit too. Beside in local, your dream to go in another country might also come true. Your spouse can take you to the place where he/she is working since acquiring a visa for these days are easier if your sponsor is your husband/wife.
More Time for Yourself
Since your partner is in another country, you can concentrate to manage and handle your kidos and of course yourself. You can divert your longing to your wife/husband by enrolling free courses online or engage in the different type of business.
Opportunity to learn new language
OFWs are good in the different languages since they mingle with different people and especially with their employers. As a spouse, you have also the potential to improve your language proficiency, especially in English as the international language. This would be a great help for your future.
Fewer expenses at home
Budgeting is easy if the family is composed of fewer people. The same through with your savings, you can earn more if you spent only on what are the priority needs.
Opportunity to live abroad
If you have an OFW spouse, there will be a big tendency that you will also work in another country. Most of our OFW chose to take their husband or wife to their workplace to work together in order to earn bigger. Once it’s enough, they decided to migrate to the area together with their kids.
Added Fondness
Because of long distance relationship, your desire to see your partner become stronger. Both of you is too much excited to reunite again including the whole part of the family. This will help the relationship to become firmer and long lasting.
Unlimited supply of chocolates and other imported goods.
Filipinos are very fun of chocolates and imported items. You will no longer worry since you have now adequate stocks and you could also sell them as an alternative business.
source: JB Solis