For our Filipino Overseas Workers abroad, hardworking for more than a year has an ending process. Everyone deserves to have a complete rest from tiredness of working and exhausting problems in life. We need to work for us to survive but we also need to stop from working when we know it’s over.
Well, OFWs may stop from their labors if they retire or their contract would end. But if that might happen, what happens next to their future and their family?

Here are some tips you can follow if you want to stay in the Philippines for good when it happens. Always be in mind that a comfortable life is not that easy if we won’t be clever.
1. Pay all your existing debts.
It is normal for OFWs and their family to be engaged in a big amount of debt, especially for those newbie ones. They may apply for loans in order to pay their placement fee before going abroad but as much as possible, before or after going back to the Philippines, payback them all to avoid a big interest in the end.2. Save money.
After paying all the debts you had, it is now also the time to save money. Saving is so much important because you don’t know the future might be so if possible put in the bank at least 20% of your salary and do not use it unless it is really an emergency.3. Live within your means.
Try to control your splendor or any extravagance. You should have to limit spending too much. We know that Filipino are sometimes fun of collections and buying everything they want but you can’t be one of them if you just only know how to resist.4. Start a business as soon as possible.
Even while you are still working outside the country, you can do it so. Think of a business to put up and let your family manage it in your absent until you decide to stay in the Philippines.Be a manager of your decisions. Bring effort to do what are necessary to help your lifestyle be better after working for many years. Think more than twice and wise.
source: Businessnews
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